Seameo Program

Bismillaah.. Have a nice journey of Seameo program

This is my university... I'm proud to be here

Here.. All the story is begun..

Yeah, we are ready to go

Bismillaah.. May Allah bless us..

Welcoming session from Benguet State University

This is a special moment for us

at Benguet State University

with other students from Thailand and Indonesia

Selasa, 22 Januari 2019

Summary and Suggestion

Purpose of Practicum
          Sea​-Teacher program have purpose to improve the teaching skills. Sea​-Teacher participants were placed in schools in accordance with their majors. I am as one of delegate of Sea-Teacher program. I teach in Elementary Laboratory School-Benguet State University. There I teach English in grade 4 and 5. In BSU-SLS, I practice of teaching for two weeks, the purpose of practicum is:

1. Improve English language skills for teaching
2. To train student teacher become a professional teacher in the future 
3. Can increase knowledge about students
4. Add relationships and friends from different countries
5. Train self confidence to teach 

Procedures of Practicum
          First, the practicum will be start by observation in the class. There I looked how teacher teaching there. I observed as long as a weeks. The observation purpose is the teacher can be know the condition in the class and the learning method used, so the learning will be more effective.
        Second, after observation, student teacher should make a lesson plan. I will guided by my mentor to make my detail lesson plan. I have to discuss it one day before teaching.
         Third, after making lesson plan I should practice for teaching.I will teach for 2 weeks in grade 4 and 5. The steps in teaching practice is:
1.      Preliminary Activities
a.       Routine (Check the attendance, cleanliness of the classroom, take a prayer and proper seating arrangement of the students (Collect the assignments if there are any)).
b.      Review material
2.      Motivation (Show the picture and video about material)
3.      Lesson Proper
a.       Presentation (Introduction the learning objective of material and explain material by the the teacher)
b.      Discussion and analysis
c.       Fixing skills and guided practice or application
d.      Generalization
e.       Assessment and assigment

 Outcomes of Practicum
After following teaching practice, I learned how to become a good and professional teacher. Besides that, I can also understand the various characteristics of students and the right way to teach them. Not all learning methods can be used at one time. One learning method is different from the other learning methods depending on class situations and conditions and learning material. Beside that, the outcomes that I felt was that my English skills were increasing. Because we using English for everyday, so my English skills can Improve. I also get a new friend and link after join the practicum.a

The Challenges of Practicum
I have many challenges when I following the practicum, there are:
-          Challenges with my communication skills. It is a challenge to me because my English barrier, so that it can hinder my communication when I teach.
-          Teaching students who have different characteristics is a challenge for me. Not only differences in characteristics, but also differences in language, culture and habits make it a challenge for me
-          learn new material that is different from my majors make it a challenge for me

Overall Impression
I joined this program for one month. During the program there were many lessons and experiences that I got. I meet great people here. I also got a new friend on this program. The thing that impressed me most during my teaching practice was that the attitude of students at BSU-SLS was very good. They really respect me as their teacher and want to work with me. They respect me and my religion. Besides, students I teach are classified as students who are smart and willing to learn. The people in my environment are also very friendly and kind to us. Besides that, I was also impressed with the education system here which is considered good according to me.

Suggestions for Future Improvement
This program is very good and useful. I hope this Sea-Teacher program will continue in the future, and my advice would be better if the time given is extended. Because in my opinion one month is not enough for participants to explore more knowledge and experience. Based on my experience in participating in this program, not enough time for one month for me can improve my ability to teach. Besides that more time is needed to be able to explore the culture and activities in the area where we are placed.

Senin, 21 Januari 2019

Observation on Teacher(s) in the classroom

Based on my observed, my supervisor always focused on lesson plan first. Yash, that is the most important before we teach the students. But, it doesn’t mean that the other things are not important. The things consist of the entire like semester syllabus, learning activities, program plans for the students and the schedules. Those also another thing that teacher must prepare it. For your information, my supervisor said that the teachers in the Republic of the Philippines must follow the lesson plan well organize. We can not randomly follow the lesson plan. I mean what your activities inside the lesson plan must be present to the students in the classroom. Since the first step until the final step.

Before my supervisor teaches the students, he will prepare the material first, what subject he would like to teach the students, what the media that he would like to use. My supervisor uses the media such as the picture, because of the students already understand and easy to knows what the material that he will teach. Then prepare the method of teaching also, But the most suitable methods that applied to the school and most of the classes, which is Discovery-learning method.


The class will start with a greeting from the students to the teacher. They will stand up and say loudly with the sweet smile “Good Morning Teacher” that shows that they are ready to start the learning process. After it, the teacher will ask the students who are absent today. It can use that moment to more interaction between students and teacher. After it, the teacher will ask students to review about last material. It’s like brainstorming before we continue to the next materials. We can see also, overall the students understanding the last materials or not. If not, it can be a way to make the students remember with the last material. Better you walking around so the class will be more conditional well. Then the teacher also gives some question and motivate students to participate in learning by answer the question directly or write it on the whiteboard.


The teacher will give the students worksheet and 10 minutes to make a summary of the materials today. Of course, don’t forget the teacher must give a clear direction to the students to work for individuals or groups. It will help the students to finish it if you give them a clear direction.


How the teacher manages the classroom. The teacher no needs longer time to manage the class. Because based on my experienced when I teach the students in Indonesia, I need at least 3-5 minutes to manage the class. Then, how the teacher interacts with the students during the learning process. Also, I amazed with the attitude of the students to the teacher. I give them thumbs up. Good attitude, good moral.

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2019

Pedagogical Contents

During my practice teaching in Elementary Laboratory School Benguet State University, I also used the lecture method where in I was the only one discussing the topic and facilitating the learning. But I also made sure that my students were also engaged in the teaching learning process by asking them questions. In that way, they can share their own ideas and opinions regarding the topic.


here, I used book from my mentor for reference. I also search material on the internet to strengethen.

For learning source of technology I used like a projector, LCD, laptop and etc.  It's very helpful to make time effective. Besides that students are also not bored because they see pictures nd animation in power point. Students can also look video. I always happy looked my students expression when they are very interest in learning the materials using various and different methods. 

Because of I apply the system that focuses on the students center. I can get a lot of authentic assessment. Really. Besides, I gave them the assignment, when the learning process in the classroom, I can know the students that active or not. The students who always have high participant and active in the classroom.  After I explain to them, I always ask them to review the material. Not only read but also read and read. But the students must understand carefully with the materials. Of course, I can know the students who always stand up and raised their hands to answer all of my questions. Even though almost the students n the classroom have a high participant. 

Jumat, 18 Januari 2019

Teaching Practice

For practice teaching, I should prepare all. Starting from the make lesson plan. My  supervisors, Mrs. Yvonne (grade 5) and Mrs. Rachel (grade 4) give me subjects that I must teach to the students. My mentors give me books for reference.Here, I follow rules used in Elementary Laboratory School. After I make a lesson plan, I prepare the media and choose what the method best is. I also discuss it with my mentors.

Philippines is a good country. Many people here very good to speak english. Education quality here also so good. I'm very grateful get kind mentors, who always give me advice and motivation. To be honest I'm so nervous to teach english here because it's the first time to teach in other country.

After discussing with a mentor, I found the right method for teaching. Mam Rachel prefers to explain using cardboard and cartoon paper so it's more interesting. But mam Yvonne prefers to use power point because it is more effective time and can be interspersed with videos. They advice is accommodated and then I combine it. So sometimes, I used powerpoint and sometimes used cartoon paper.

The next step is practice, ask students to give the information about last lesson. After that I will deliver the material accompanied by an example. Then it will give ice breaking if they have started to look bored. After that, I applied what I had said by giving practice questions. I gave a time limit to work. After time the representatives present or answer questions to be corrected together. After that, I repeat again the lesson. At the end I give assignments but not everyday.
Based on my experienced, I arranged the time:
13.00-13.05, I use to a greeting, introducing, checking the attendance.
13.05-13.10, I use to review about last lesson, ask and give questions to students.
13.10 – 13.15, before start to learn I will invite them to have fun together with interesting ice breaking. So they can have spirit for study.
13.15-13.40, I will explain the material with different methods on a daily basis. I will give example also.
13.40-13.45, I give exercise to test students' understanding.
13.45-13.50, I will review, ask if there are questions, and closing.
Hmmm one day when I teach about prepositional phrase as adjectives or adverbs, I tried to make them understand the material.  At that time I gave a training session but it turned out that after being checked some children were not right in answering. Then I asked them to go forward to answer the question again. it turns out they still cannot distinguish the preposition as adj or adv. then one came forward to help and the funny thing was that he was wrong in answering hahahaha. Then the child who understands come forward and justifies it. Here I see something interesting, when someone can't understand they will try to help them until they understand. Omg it's so funny to me.


I have the many method to manage the class. Since the first time the students stand up and give me the greetings. I try to more interactive and close with them. I always invite them to enjoy togeher. Sometimes, I give them motivation to study hard. I aslo appriciate them when they want to come forward to presentation. When giving training, I do not forget to give rules so that they are not confused in answering questions. I give their time limit to work. My mentor always says "we have to be firm about time". 
My first impression is very nice to meet students. My mentor say "They are very excited to meet you and can't wait you to teach them." Wow!!! it's so extraordinary for me. The students' attitude here is so good. They are very active, smart, and want to know more and more. They are very polite and really appreciate me as their teacher. I love my students. They are funny and innocent. Whatever they do always makes me happy. I can't speak English well but they can understand what I say. Very nice day for first impression to met them.

Selasa, 15 Januari 2019

Second Week

Finally what was awaited came. it's time to start learning. Wahhh is really makes me nervous. But I try to do the best. Bismillahirohmanirrohim I can do it !!!

On Saturday it's time to holiday yey! We went to botanical garden and Phlippine Millitary Academy. So beautiful place there!

Senin, 14 Januari 2019

First Week in Philippines

On January 10 2019, we were welcomed by the university. They very warmly welcomed us. After that we were invited to tour around to find out the rooms there. We also meet with lecturers, teachers and buddies. We met and told them.

After opening ceremony program, we invite our buddies to accompany us go around by jeepney. Jeepney is public transpotation here like "angkot" in Indonesia hahaha. People here always ride jepneys wherever they will go. Just pay 7 pesos or around 2,100 rupiah, wow, it's very cheap. People here will say "para" when they want to stop. unique when paying, the driver doesn't see who pays. the passenger will only give the money to the person next to him and then give it to the driver.

 On January 11, my friends and I went to mosque in Baguio city. Maybe need 30 minutes by jeepney to go there. Here, I feel peaceful. I like to meet fellow Muslims. Many woman use "hijab" like me. MasyaAllah....

From mosque we went to one of the parks for just a walk. Don't forget we took a picture together. We also tried food here. Yey.. I'm so happy.

On January 13, I start to observed class. Here I'm so happy meet with all students. They are so funny and actives.... ahh so cute.

Kamis, 10 Januari 2019

Bismillah....Philippines I'm coming

On January 7, I start my journey. This will be a long and tiring journey. But I was lucky not to go alone. I was with Vida, a friend of UII. We will go to Jakarta first to take the train then to the airport. When we arrived at the airport we waited to check in. Wahhh it seems impatient to get there. This will be a lifetime unforgettable experience.

When I arrived at Ninoy Aquinoy International airport, I headed for immigration and then took the baggage. But it was so annoying, after finding out my bag wasn't there. Omg!!! How could it be???The airline said that it would deliver my bag. Vida and I were asked to fill in the data. Finally we headed benguet without carrying a suitcase. We feel very angry and sad huhuuu.

After that we immediately contacted mam alexa who picked us up at the airport. We were quite difficult to find the location she picked up. It turns out we are in a different terminal. After waiting for the eventual meeting, we met with other delegates from Indonesia and Thailand. then we headed for benguet. the trip will take 6 hours by bus. in the middle of the trip, we paused for dinner at a place. this is where we start greeting each other.