Based on my observed, my supervisor always focused on lesson plan first. Yash, that is the most important before we teach the students. But, it doesn’t mean that the other things are not important. The things consist of the entire like semester syllabus, learning activities, program plans for the students and the schedules. Those also another thing that teacher must prepare it. For your information, my supervisor said that the teachers in the Republic of the Philippines must follow the lesson plan well organize. We can not randomly follow the lesson plan. I mean what your activities inside the lesson plan must be present to the students in the classroom. Since the first step until the final step.
Before my supervisor teaches the students, he will prepare the material first, what subject he would like to teach the students, what the media that he would like to use. My supervisor uses the media such as the picture, because of the students already understand and easy to knows what the material that he will teach. Then prepare the method of teaching also, But the most suitable methods that applied to the school and most of the classes, which is Discovery-learning method.
The class will start with a greeting from the students to the teacher. They will stand up and say loudly with the sweet smile “Good Morning Teacher” that shows that they are ready to start the learning process. After it, the teacher will ask the students who are absent today. It can use that moment to more interaction between students and teacher. After it, the teacher will ask students to review about last material. It’s like brainstorming before we continue to the next materials. We can see also, overall the students understanding the last materials or not. If not, it can be a way to make the students remember with the last material. Better you walking around so the class will be more conditional well. Then the teacher also gives some question and motivate students to participate in learning by answer the question directly or write it on the whiteboard.
The teacher will give the students worksheet and 10 minutes to make a summary of the materials today. Of course, don’t forget the teacher must give a clear direction to the students to work for individuals or groups. It will help the students to finish it if you give them a clear direction.
How the teacher manages the classroom. The teacher no needs longer time to manage the class. Because based on my experienced when I teach the students in Indonesia, I need at least 3-5 minutes to manage the class. Then, how the teacher interacts with the students during the learning process. Also, I amazed with the attitude of the students to the teacher. I give them thumbs up. Good attitude, good moral.
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